from € 9,50  
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You will pay only one shipment

  ​ph. +39 350.578 6817 -

Terms of sale

       +39 350.578 6817 -


These general conditions of sale govern the contractual relationship consequent upon acceptance by World Ecogreen Srl, manager of the portal (hereinafter simply "Manager") with registered office in Mercato San Severino (SA), Via Parrochia 18 registered in the Salerno Business Register, VAT number 04871360659, of the customer's proposal / purchase order and replace any other agreement eventually reached between the parties, except as may be agreed in writing and with express reference to these general conditions of sale, derogating from the content. These general conditions of sale are updated to July 2017. The Manager reserves the right to modify, from time to time, in its sole discretion, these terms and conditions. The most updated version of the same will in any case be published on the website The customer is therefore obliged to check at the time of sending the proposal / purchase order the text of the general sales conditions in force, which will be applicable to the contract with the Manager in case of acceptance of the proposal / purchase order. All descriptions and illustrations contained in the portal or in other commercial documentation have the sole purpose of providing the customer with a general idea of ​​the products or items and will not form part of the contract between the Manager and the customer. These general conditions of sale do not apply to exports of products or items outside the Italian territory, for which different contractual conditions are provided. Moreover, in the event that the products or items supplied to the customer in Italy are subsequently exported from them, it will be the customer's responsibility to obtain, at his own expense, all necessary licenses and authorizations, also conforming to the export regulations between Italy and the country of destination, with particular reference to the rules for the export of high-tech products.


The prices shown on the portal are to be understood net of taxes, shipping and transport costs. At the prices indicated will be applied the VAT at the invoice date. Prices shown on the website may vary. For all items, the price applied will be the one in effect at the time the Manager receives the order.

Where prices are not expressly indicated or in the case of deliveries relating to items not on the site, prices must be specifically agreed and confirmed in writing by before shipping the product.


Purchase orders can be sent by the customer exclusively from the website. Further information, in case of purchase through the web portal, can be found at the Internet address "how to buy" section. The order will be considered as a contract proposal. Unless otherwise indicated, acceptance by the manager may also take place through direct execution of orders, without the need for prior formal acceptance of the order.


Our shipping policy is very simple and convenient:
regardless of the products purchased you will pay only one shipment for the order!

For orders of less than 100 € (excluding VAT) a contribution for shipping and handling of the order, € 10, will be charged to the customer. Same day shipping, regardless of the transport system used and where possible, will be carried out as a rule, only for orders received on working days between 8.00am and 2.00pm. We are usually able to deliver in Italy with an average time of 48 hours, however it is understood that the delivery terms must be understood as non-essential. Customers are required to check the cost of shipping before confirming the order. If the Manager foresees not being able to comply with the indicated delivery terms, without this implying any responsibility towards the customer, he will communicate the new terms of delivery of the article to the same, which will confirm the order, as amended , within 3 (three) days of the Manager's communication. Unless otherwise agreed, delivery will be made to the address that the customer has specified in the order.


The customer is required to examine the goods received accurately at the time of delivery and to communicate in detail to the Manager, within 8 (eight) days of delivery, any faults found - or verifiable - at the outcome of such examination, or to propose any another claim in relation to the products. In the event that the customer does not make the above communication, the items will be considered definitively accepted and comply with the requirements of the order, without prejudice to the possibility, available within and no later than 1 (one) year from delivery, to assert any non-apparent defects, provided that the related complaint was made within 8 (eight) days from the discovery of the same (in accordance with the provisions of Article 1495 of the Civil Code). It is understood that the customer must refuse the delivery, by the carrier, of packages with damaged packaging and must, in this regard, immediately inform the operator of the incident; otherwise, the goods delivered will be deemed fully accepted in the state in which they are at that time. For the purposes of examining the products or articles, the customer acknowledges that the Manager is not the author of the software that may be contained therein, nor has he viewed them. The customer must therefore carry out, under his own exclusive responsibility, before using the product or article, any reasonable control to verify that the software contained in the products purchased make them suitable for use or not affected by computer viruses or from other defects that may damage the item or the goods that come into contact with it.


The ownership of the goods passes to the customer when the goods are delivered to the carrier for delivery to the customer's home or at the address indicated by the customer when ordering. The goods travel in any case at the risk of the customer, remaining agreed that each shipment is carried out for the precise task and account of the customer and, therefore, the Manager is exempted from any liability with the delivery of the same to the carrier or customer in in case the latter decides to collect the goods personally or through a person in charge.


The Manager will replace or repair the products or items supplied, or refund the relative price, if, despite a correct and diligent use by the customer, defects are detected, which must be asserted against the manager within and no later than 12 ( twelve) months from the date of delivery, or within that different term from time to time indicated by the Manager for specific articles, or established by law. The articles, or components or parts of them to which the complaint refers, must be returned to the Manager in the period of time referred to in the preceding paragraph, properly packaged, with shipping to the customer and in accordance with the particular instructions that the Manager he may have given at the time of supply or subsequently. The items, or components or parts returned to them must be accompanied by a note showing the description of the defect, as well as any other information indicated or requested by the Manager at the time of delivery or subsequently. All products or items or parts of them replaced by the Manager will become the exclusive property of the same. This warranty replaces any warranty or other provision established by law regarding the quality or suitability of products for specific uses, except for those provisions which by law can not be waived.


Unless otherwise indicated, the methods of use of the item or product purchased, with particular reference to the safety of the same, are indicated in the "technical parameters". Dimensions and other physical characteristics are subject to normal commercial tolerances. It will be the customer's responsibility to check, in advance, the suitability of the product or article for the use that he wants to make of the same. In any case, the Manager reserves the right to terminate the offer of any product, or to make changes to the specifications of the products or items, at any time, even without prior notice and without having to justify this decision. The Manager recommends that customers verify the dimensions and other data relating to the products published on as well as their future availability, before using them for particularly important uses. If the customer intends to sell the purchased products to third parties, it will be his responsibility to ensure that these items are complete with all the accessory elements such as warnings, labels, instructions, manuals and other useful information, supplied with the items themselves.


These general conditions outline the entire scope of the Manager's responsibility with regard to the articles, with the exclusion of any other guarantee, condition and term, expressed or implied, established by law, also with reference to the quality or suitability of the articles for specific uses, however, those guarantees that, by law, can not be waived, with particular reference to the provisions of Article 1229 of the Civil Code and in terms of liability for damage from defective products and consumer protection. However, it is understood that under no circumstances will the Manager be responsible for the loss of profit or for any indirect damage suffered by the customer for a fact, act or omission attributable to the Manager pursuant to these general conditions or in any case in relation to the sale and purchase of the same. The Manager assumes no responsibility for the correct functioning of the applications on the portal, nor for their compliance with the specific purposes they might be destined for.


The products and the items sold on have not been tested for applications in the medical field or for the joint use with medical-surgical devices of any kind and nature. Likewise, the products on have not been tested for application in the context of nuclear activities or in the aeronautical field. The products on must not, therefore, be used in these areas, with respect to which the Manager assumes no responsibility for malfunctions and / or damage to property or persons.


The Manager accepts only and exclusively advance payments, made as follows:

• with credit card

• paypal

• by bank transfer, to be requested explicitly by email at

Any payment conditions other than those specified above must be agreed in writing with the Manager, prior to placing the order. All payments will be made to the Manager without the customer being able to make any compensation, deduction or counter claim. guarantees safe purchases because it uses the highest security standards to protect your personal data and information related to your credit card from unauthorized access. Your transactions are protected thanks to the use of the most advanced technological and coding systems (SSL).


Payments must be made in euros; other currencies may be agreed in writing between the parties, to the extent permitted by law.


Unless otherwise communicated in writing to the customer, the information contained on the portal does not constitute, nor must be intended, as a declaration of the country of origin, of preferential origin, processing, production or assembly of the products or any part of them.


No return of articles will be allowed without the prior written consent of World Ecogreen Srl (Manager), except as provided in the previous paragraph "Warranty". After obtaining the consent of the manager, to be entitled to reimbursement, the customer must return the items, according to the following conditions:

• the items must not have been used and must be returned in the same condition in which the customer received them

• redelivery must take place within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of the purchase invoice

• if the conditions of sale do not contain specific instructions (and these have not been subsequently indicated by the Manager), all the parts or components eventually added to the product or article by the customer must be removed before returning to the Manager; otherwise, the Manager will be authorized to remove and / or delete all additional parts.

The return is not allowed for software, calibration services, or for other items that, although provided by the Manager, were not available on the portal, so they were specifically ordered at the request of the customer. Even if the packaging of the item is intact, a fixed contribution will still be applied for the costs of managing the return equal to 25.00 (twentyfive) Euros

The articles must be returned to World Ecogreen Srl at the expense, expense and risk of the customer. The products to be returned to World Ecogreen Srl must be properly packed and shipped to: Via Parrocchia, 18 - 84085 Mercato S. Severino (SA), IT.


Orders paid by credit card that can not be completely processed on the basis of the stock, will be partially canceled and the relative amounts reimbursed. The Manager reserves the right not to entertain business relationships with certain subjects, it also reserves the right not to accept or cancel any orders, regardless of whether the payment has been received or not, by communicating by telephone or by e-mail within 48 (forty eight) hours (excluding Saturdays and holidays) from receipt of order. In the event that the Manager does not accept or cancel an order for which the payment has already been made, the same will promptly refund the full amount received, according to the procedures that will be indicated to the Manager by the customer. It remains, however, understood that the return of the price is the only charge borne by the Manager for non-acceptance or for the cancellation of the order, being in this regard excluding any form of liability borne by the Manager. The customer may cancel or cancel purchase orders only within the limits permitted by law, remaining, in any case, understood that, unless mandatory laws are in force, orders relating to the purchase of items that can not be revoked / canceled or canceled although provided by World Ecogreen Srl, they were not available at at the time of sending the purchase order by the customer.


In the event that the execution of orders by the Manager is hindered or impeded by force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, or the impossibility of obtaining the services, materials or items necessary for the fulfillment of the order, if not to higher prices, the Manager may delay the order and, if so, notify the customer of the delay; these, within 3 (three) days of receipt of the communication by the Manager, will have the right to cancel the order in whole or in part. In none of the aforementioned cases, the Manager may be held responsible for the delay, cancellation or inability to make delivery.


The Manager warns the customer that the articles presented on the site may be the subject of a patent, trademark, copyright or other industrial or intellectual property rights owned by World Ecogreen Srl or third parties.


If the customer qualifies as a consumer, the provisions on consumer protection will be applied, including those referred to in the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, No. 206 and subsequent amendments), which are not intended to be derogated from the present general conditions. In particular, in the event that the consumer customer has concluded the contract outside the business premises or through remote bargaining, he will have the right to withdraw without any penalty from the contract, sending, within 14 (fourteen) working days from the date of receipt of the articles purchased, appropriate communication, by letter sent by post, to World Ecogreen Srl, Via Parrocchia, 18 - 84085 Mercato San Severino (SA) - IT or by e-mail to The letter of withdrawal, stating "hereby I inform you of the withdrawal of the contract of sale of the following goods ...", must also contain the following information: order confirmation number of World Ecogreen Srl, personal data of the client (including the tax code), telephone number and / or email address of the customer.

In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the purchased products will be returned to World Ecogreen Srl, intact and properly packaged, within 14 (fourteen) working days from sending the aforementioned communication, at the customer's expense, to the following address: World Ecogreen Srl , Via Parrocchia, 18 - 84085 Mercato San Severino (SA) - IT. For the exercise of the right of withdrawal, World Ecogreen Srl will promptly return to the customer the amount eventually received.


The Legal Warranty of Conformity (or Legal Warranty) is provided for by the Consumer Code under Articles 122-135 and establishes the liability of the seller for defects in conformity of the goods sold through its sales channels. The Legal Guarantee referred to in the Consumer Code is reserved for consumer customers. All the products presenting a lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery and appearing within 24 months from the date of purchase are covered by the Legal Guarantee. The lack of conformity must be reported to the seller within 2 months from the date of the discovery of the defect.


The Court of Salerno will be exclusively competent for any controversy deriving from the present general conditions of sale and the relative supply contracts of the products. If the customer qualifies as a consumer, any disputes arising from these general conditions will be devolved to the jurisdiction of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer. These general conditions of sale are governed by Italian law.
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